a. Dual impression technique for distal extension
b. Impression technique for implants
c. Impression technique using
ii.Rubber base
ii.Impression compound
ii.ZOE paste
a. Conventional
i.Impression Making
ii.Border molding
iii.Jaw relation
iv.Try in
b.Over dentures
c.Implant supported dentures
e.Relining rebasing
a i.metal
iii.All ceramic
b. Impression Making
c. Bite Registration
d. Shade selection
e. Cementation techniques
i.Chair side
i.crown remover
iii.Cutting technically
Under this Prosthodontics Course the candidates will be trained in;
Crown preparation on all Anteriors, premolars ,posteriors
Crown preparation for metal, ceramic and zirconia
Preparation for veneers
Dual impression technique
Demonstration of various advanced materials, equipments and techniques
Demonstration of fibrodontics
Recording facebow
Recording impression ( alginate, rubber dam)
Demonstration of vamkee
Under this Prosthodontics Course Candidates will be allowed to work on patients on most of the procedures learned in theory and Hands on depending on the duration of clinical posting and availability of various cases
Minimum of 10 crown cutting
1 complete denture and few RPD's
Proper recording of impression ( alginate, rubber base)
Gingival retraction
How to adjust dentures , crown and bridges in patients mouth during delivery and final cementation. Avail the best Prosthodontics Course in Agra, India from best dental academy.